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It Is Spring! 5 At Home Exercise Tips Before Your Wedding Day Beauty

Written by Jennifer McGregor | Mar 20, 2017 3:04:26 PM

How to Exercise at Home for Better Head-to-Toe Health


Alongside healthy eating (and some quality spa time of course), getting a good amount of daily exercise is the best way to positively affect your overall health. The problem with exercise, for many, is that they have an idea of what it should be and that idea is often incorrect. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym pumping iron and running on the treadmill. In fact, if you can learn how to get proper exercise at home, you’ll be much more likely to keep up your regimen.


Short workout does not mean ineffective workout


You’re busy. Everyone is. Finding time to exercise and focus on your own health and wellbeing can seem impossible. Exercise is a luxury that only the well-off and unburdened can enjoy, right? Wrong. It’s important to know how to maximize your time to produce the best results.


The good news is that the popularity of the “short workout” has been steadily rising for years. There are fitness professionals dedicated to finding out how to give people as much bang for their buck as possible. There are tailored workouts that you can complete in 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 7 minutes, and even just 5 minutes. Many of these workouts are based on the concept of interval training, or mixing up your types of workouts in short, intense bursts. There’s even research that says this is better for you than longer, sustained workouts.


Invest in some inexpensive, low-maintenance equipment


Though there are plenty of exercise routines that make use of body weight and require no equipment other than you and your drive to succeed, it may help to invest in some basic equipment. We’re not talking about a full home gym or a large treadmill. There is no reason that you have to spend thousands of dollars or take up entire rooms of your house in order to have better at-home fitness.


Cheap, low-footprint tools like resistance bands, yoga mats, and pull-up bars are perfect for the home exerciser. A small set of free weights is preferable to larger barbells as they can be used in a smaller space, cost less, and have a wider range of exercises in their catalog.


Use what’s around you


Part of developing a head-to-toe health strategy is to work exercise into your daily routine so that you don’t have to “set extra time aside” to workout. This is where you should get creative. Take your dog around a few extra blocks on its daily walk. Walk or ride a bike to as many stores in your vicinity as you can. If you live in a multi level home, you have a built-in stairmaster in your home!


You’re allowed to have fun exercising


So you hate jogging around to block. Lifting weights is torture. It’s ok, you’re not alone in that feeling. Somewhere along the way, we all decided that exercise was supposed to be a certain way - incredibly hard, miserable, and boring. You need to break out of that mindset.


Exercise can be fun, and you can do fun activities and count them as exercise. An hour of gardening can be a great workout. Get out and place tag or hide-and-seek with your kids. Play a pickup game of basketball with the neighbors. Fitness isn’t all about running marathon. You have to find ways to make exercise work for you. If you are able to achieve this, you’ll be more inclined to get up and get moving.


Check out other sring tips that can help you get a great fresh start to your wedding day prep!